Monday, May 7, 2012

walking around the 19119

I didn't get her name - but only for the fact that she was interested in talking and literally did not care (or acknowledge) a single thing I had to say. We (she) discussed the prevalence of ill-mannered hoodlums in our neighborhood, how public transportation is their preferred method of transport (what she called "the banana boat" - because creeps board "in bunches") and a ton of back in the day shit about how Philadelphia used to be a decent place. I call shenanigans on that last one. It seems like people have been treating one another pretty awfully since the dawn of time so I don't know how things could have changed that drastically in the span of 60 years. Maybe the weapons have gotten flashier and a whole lot louder, but that's about all. Funny lady though. She had interesting theories on ways in which cats and dogs can coexist peacefully and told me some wild tale about her brother-in-law and his old Buick which he dubbed "the bluebird of happiness." Apparently, he named all of his cars. So one night, he has the itch to get high, and in the panic of anticipation ends up parking the bluebird on Germantown Avenue right in the path of the Route 23 trolley tracks. Fella loses all track of time and space and the 23 sits there honking for a solid 20 before a family member tracks him down, grabs the keys and moves the thing. Not sure why she told me all of this, but I liked hearing it (listening silently being pretty much my only option.) Hope I run into her again.

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